Sunday, April 28, 2013

Welcome to Scampolice Group's Database of Scammer messages.  
    Scampolice Group warns you:

If you see these texts, or parts of them in messages, then you are dealing with a scammer, probably from West Africa or Malaysia, but may be from other countries as well. Scammers use cut and pasted text because they are usually almost illiterate, uneducated, and have little English, or because it is easier to do it when dealing with hundreds of potential victims a day. Note: scammers hardly ever address you by name and this is because it makes it unnecessary to edit messages with names in them. They will call you “Honey”, “Baby”, “my Queen”, “Angel”, etc.
Never tell a scammer how you caught him*. Never tell him about his message text and never correct his mistakes. We like our scammers to continue to be uneducated and stupid. Remember when a message suggests you send money, you are talking to a scammer and whatever the excuse he gives you, send nothing and leave without a word.
*Even if you think you are dealing with a woman be assured it is a boy in an internet cafe.  


                This is a SCAM! DO NOT RESPOND!


                          Robin Chesters

ISP:     Ghana Telecom
Organization:  Vodafone Ghana
Assignment:    Static IP
Country:          Ghana
State/Region:  Greater Accra
City:    Accra

1. Robin Chesters ( with, removed photos)

                             Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

Studied at Royal Military College of Ohio
Past: St. Theresa of Avila
Join Facebook: 18 August 2012

2. Robin Chesters (removed photos)

Joined Facebook
29 May 2012

Facebook chats:

Ok my darling
I will take care of you when i come to XXXX honey
I really like you and want you next to me

You got such a sexy lips
Will be happy to hugs and kisses you sweetie
By his grace i am dear
Ok i will be busy now so i will talk to you later
Just try and check your email and reply all my emails Ok
Much love kisses and hugs

So did you read carefully of the my email i sent to you?
I want you to receive the box for me there in Germany Ok

I will be coming to meet with you in Germany as soon as diplomat deliver the consignment box to you babe

Send me your real full names. The address of your home where the diplomat will deliver the box to you and your direct telephone number
Yes try and send them to my email address Ok I also need your mobile phone where the diplomat can reach you as soon he get to XXXX

Babe that is not allowed
We are not allowed to make calls or received ok

You are the best for me
I will never allow any man to take you away from me babe

Me too babe but you will have me all very soon
Just have the believe and trust in God honey In God we trust

I will never leave you my love
You are my one and only honey

Go to the shower together, wash each other front and back
Then go to the bed together with nudes body
Huging cuddling. Kissing and romancing each other
Will also like us to go to any nearest beach walking barefoot and cathing lot of fun babe

I wish to have a baby from you my Queen.
I will be glad to have a boy and a girl from you my love

We are always atlert for any unexpected bumb blast by the afghan talibans
Don't worry honey in God we trust babe
Nothing will happen to me Ok

YM Chats: 

chestersrobin: Honey do you know that I am a medical/surgery doctor here I will take good care of your when i come
chestersrobin: So did you hear anything from the diplomat
chestersrobin: What is the email says babe just forward the email to me ok
chestersrobin: So i want you to reply back to them now and re-confirm your info. Just send them your passport number

Message N 1

Subject: I await to hear from you.
Date:  XX Apr 2013
Hey Dearest.

How are you doing? I am really impressed to read your message on tagged and to know friendship is truly possible via on-line. I am 56 years old, athletic built, above all very romantic and love to please my woman. Dislike lies, pretence and all sort of self contentedness attitude, i easily trust and hope we can build lasting friendship.

Let me quickly tell you a little about my background; I was born in DC and raised in Nashville Ohio. I grew in an Orphanage home in Ohio amongst other children, life in early days was fun and interesting until after  high school, there was sort of societal bias on us from Orphanage home: on the street, in school, etc but all these made me strong and bold, i conquered all. I was lucky to have a good sponsor:an ex military officer (now late)  who influenced my admission to Royal Military College of Ohio,  later on i joined the military full time, since then i have been a soldier. In 2002 i was assigned among the troops to Afghanistan, later that year in December we were taken to Baghdad in Iraq for Four months and we came back to Afghanistan in April 2007 when more American troops joined its base in Baghdad. But I am planning my coming back home on May This is just a brief about me, i shall tell you more about my plans after returning home. I'd like to know about you as well; Your relationship status, work, career, family, whatever you feel comfortable to share with me. Find attached copies of my pics in this email.

I will await your message

Gen Robin Chesters

P.s : We are not allowed to call or receive phone calls, so we may not be able to get on voice, but will surely i will respond to your email message.

  Attached Photos:

                          Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                             Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                          Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

Message N 2

Subject: Thanks for your E-mail dear. Hope to hear from you soon.
Date: XX Apr 2013

Hello My dearest XXXX

Good to read from you and telling me something about your person and family relationship etc, any-ways I am glad that this friendship is progressing. Life is such a  mystery. I could not have imagined that I'll meet someone as cool as you on-line It really has a cooling effect on my nerves as i plan my home coming. Although, I will be hanging my boot,but the experience remains for life and I plan to put it to use in the secular world.

Our home coming short-listing begins next week; we got first  Batch A-C who will be released by end of APRIL and second Batch D-E who will be released by end of MAY I pray and hope I will be part of the First Batch and I will love to know more about you so I can tell you more of my plans and also negotiate when to visit you and meet with you in person.what is the name of the nearest airport to your home?

I am currently running a web project that I tagged - Military Buddies; It is an on-line community for both serving and retired military personnel across the globe to meet, share and socialize. It is still at a local server stage, not sure if you know what I mean by that, it is at it's developmental stage and about 90% completed. It has been approved and I cant wait to be home to set it up on-line and launch it, I will appreciate some touch from you. I learned computer programming partly while at Royal Military College of and did lots of self development.

I will like to build a relationship with you and see how it goes, I am a dedicated kind of person and open to ideas on how best things can work.

Let me know how your week is going.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Message 3

Subject: Urgent reply awaited dear.
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 14:23:31 +0000
Hello Dearest sweetheart.

There is an urgent issue that has been bothering my mind and i have no one to talk to about it, now i just thought why not share it with you.

On the 13th of November,2011 when the Taliban Insurgent attacked Afghanistan main airport, i was privileged to save a boy's life whose father, a wealthy Gold Merchant decided to reward me with 75 Kilo Gold Bar as personal Gifts  which i sold to an Afghanistan Investor who paid $3,500,000 for the Gold bar.

To this effect, I wish to solicit your partnership in moving this money out of Afghanistan IMMEDIATELY, here is a war zone and as a soldier there are limitations to what i can do from here and i can not take home with me CASH as it is not allowed, so i will need to move this money before i leave Afghanistan to someone very trustworthy and honest, as you may know by now, i have no one back home and want you to act as the receiver of this money.

I have sat with the World Delivery Diplomatic Manager here in Kabul and we have structured out the plan on how to achieve a successful transaction without any hitch nor breach of law.

I am prepared to give you 25% of the money. My utmost question is Can I trust you ? Can i rely on your competence and ability to handle transaction of this magnitude on my behalf ?

I will await your response and then give you further details.

Robin Chester (GEN)
P.s : We are not allowed to call or receive phone calls, so we may not be able to get on voice, but will surely i will respond to your email message.

Message N 4

Subject: Kindly go ahead and contact the diplomat now and get back to me.
Date: XX Apr 2013
My Dearest Sweetheart XXXX,

Thanks for your messages and interest to help me in this matter., It is with great pleasure i write you this day. Your message and willingness to work with me on this transaction trigger a sense of appreciation to what we do here and how much we risk our life.

I have been in great deep thought, thinking i may loose this fund, if i leave Afghanistan without getting someone to work with me on this.

My Friend/Sweetheart, it is only unfortunate that we are not allowed at this time to use voice communication gadget of any sort; Phone, Skype, etc  for security reasons not allowed, i hope you understand. I would have joyfully  ring your telephone line,so at least we can initiate voice contact.You are about to assist me with what has been giving me sleepless night as i do not know how to go about it.The address and information is well received and noted, i have forward it to the shipping diplomatic company via email Please, please, please KEEP THIS TRANSACTION CONFIDENTIAL.

Well considering what i have gone through the years and in life, i have learnt that the difference between highly successful people and ordinary people is TAKING CHANCE FOR EVERY OPPORTUNITY. To experience success in this Delivery; from shipment, to delivery of the package to you, we need to work as a team.

The Shipping diplomatic company will contact you with necessary Consignment Delivery information. However, I want you to contact them right away and wait for their message so they will know how important the package is for us ,

Now you have to forward copy of the same information to the Diplomat

You are to contact the diplomat agent now and tell him that General Robin Chesters. ask you to contact them for the delivery of my metallic trunk box to you there in Germany on my behalf, Tell them that you are my fiancée OK, contact him right now with the same information dear and get back to me once you done that.

I will also send a notification letter to them but you have to contact them directly with your full contact information such as your full name...your receiving address of the box....your direct mobile phone number, Then you will be informed on what to do next for them the deliver the box directly at your door step.

Here is their Email Address:

Contact them rigt away they will let you know what to do immediately in order to deliver the trunk box to you on our behalf.
Thanks for your time.
Gen Chesters.
Message N 5
Subject: Just copy this and complete spaces and send to them right away
Date: XX Apr 2013
Hi Sir,

My name is.....................,General Robin Chesters ask me to get in contact with you of the delivery of his metallic trunk box to me here in XXXXX. I m his finance's  I will send you my information.

My Address is  ............................................XXXXX

Cell Phone........................................

Thanks. Hope will hear from you soon.

Your sincerely...................................

Message N 6

Subject: Very Urgent from UN diplomat Peter York.
Date: Mon, XX Apr 2013

Attention Mrs, XXXXXX

My name is Peter York, a Diplomat from the UN conference in Afghanistan, I have received your letter and the content was noted, meanwhile  I was sent by Gen  Robin Chesters,a package to you in XXXXX, I want you to cross-check your data as soon as possible to avoid any mistake, and you should also send to me your passport copy and the name of the closest airport to your location because we shall be finishing the paper work by today and leave Afghanistan tonight by next tomorrow morning, I will deliver the box-package  to you at your door step in XXXXXX.


Please; attach your International passport copy or driven license by e-mail here to enable me indicate you when I will arrive in XXXXXX.

Language: English/XXXXX

However, my flight will leave tonight at 10:15 o'clock, I'll get in touch with you as soon as I arrive in XXXXXX, Kindly send your ID today as to enable me indicate you as soon as i arrive.
I await your prompt response.

Peter York.

Black Planet:

                         FAKE SCAMMER PROFILE!

Member Since: August 15, 2012
Age: 55
Location: Washington, DC
Race: Native American
Zodiac: Aquarius 


                             FAKE SCAMMER PROFILE!


Member Since: August 17, 2012
Age: 55
Location: Washington, DC
Zodiac: Aquarius


                This is a SCAM! DO NOT RESPOND!


                          Donald Worley /
                          Edmund Gordon /
                         Adyla Syahirah Binti Jahim /

WU Money transfer to:

Receiver: Adyla Syahirah Binti Jahim


Country: Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur

Donald W

                           Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!
                           Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                            Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                        Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!



Basic Info: 57, Male, Hamilton, Canada

YM Chats:

Donald Worley: honey did you receive any message from the agent
Donald Worley: honey i miss you so much i can wait to be with you
Donald Worley: honey i love you
Donald Worley: give me some time let me go to the control i need to talk to the boss please my love
Donald Worley: i miss you honey
Donald Worley: honey you are my happiness
Donald Worley: i thank God you are in my life now
Donald Worley: i cant wait to be with you soon because you are my dream and i love you very well
Donald Worley: honey i receive a mail from the delivery agent now he said the are holding my luaggage and they are calling your line you dont want to pick you call why
Donald Worley: please honey i need you to contact them immediately ok
Donald Worley: i will never find another lover sweeter than you
Donald Worley: i need your help honey please when i come over i will pay you back
Donald Worley: i dont want to loose my luaggage
Donald Worley: honey please if you love me the way you love your self help me please
Donald Worley: ohh my honey i promise you i will pay you back as soon as i come over
Donald Worley: you are my sweet heart
Donald Worley: nothing can stop me from getting married with you
Donald Worley: please honey dont disappoint me
Donald Worley: thank you honey please use this email to forward it
Donald Worley: thank you i love you more
Donald Worley: you are a darling i will die with you forever
Donald Worley: ok than you honey if you do this for me i will buy you a new car when i come over
Donald Worley: honey i will not disappoint you believe me
Donald Worley: if you solve my problem i will solve your problem too
Donald Worley: we will live together forever
Donald Worley: we will never separate till the end of our life
Donald Worley: i will never find another lover sweeter than you
Donald Worley: honey after our marriage i will like to take you to U S A so that you can know my place and some of my building in US A
Donald Worley: your happiness is my concern honey if you are not happy am not happy too
Donald Worley: honey i want to enjoy my life with you forever because i love you with all my haert and am thinking away we can live with happiness
Donald Worley: honey you are my Angel from heaven and i know is a will of God for me to love you
Donald Worley: honey they send mail now let me check it ok

Message N 1

Sent: April XX, 2013
Subject: Fw: Re: WG: ATTENTION MADAM!!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 04/XX/13 XXX

Hello Madam,

Thank you for finally attending to me after several hours i have spent here today.I have consulted the custom officers and they said you should send the money through western union money transfer which will be faster than bank account.Here is the information they gave for the transfer.



Please if you are asked the purpose of the payment,just tell them its to assist your cousin that studies in Malaysia to pay her tuition fee.This is what i was told to tell you in order to fasten the process and avoid any further delay.Send me a scan copy of the payment receipt once you make the payment.


Edmund Gordon.

 Message N 2:

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: April XX, 2013

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 04/XX/13

Hello Madam,

Good day.I am Agent Edmund Gordon from fast sending delivery service,i am in possesion of your consingment from your husband Dr.Donald Worley and i just arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport Malaysia on my transit to your country.

I want to inform you that the custom department has stopped the luggage and demanded for a clearance certificate before they will allow me continue my journey.I have tried reaching your through the mobile phone number your husband provided to our office but to no avail.Please i need your urgent response to this mail as the custom are demanding for a fee of $1,480.00 to issue a clearance certificate to enable me continue my journey.

Please email me as soon as you read this mail so that i will know what next to do.I am waiting anxiously for your reply.

Always at your service,

Edmund Gordon.

                                        FAKE Document!

Note scammer uses it many times and alters the text to suit /the fresh text is very black

Fake plane ticket:

                                  FAKE Document! (with

Donald Worley

                           Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                           Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                            Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

                         FAKE SCAMMER PROFILE!


Chief Executive Officer at GLA-Morris Contruction
Lives in Boston, Massachusetts
From Anderson, British Virgin Islands
Relationship Status     Divorced
Jessica and Kimberly
Joined Facebook
2 January 2013

About Donald

I am active,calm,passionate and romantic type of person and make my time valuable.To share a love spends lots of quiet intimate time.I believe somethings are required in order to have a happy,long-lasting, meaningful and spiritual relationship to work must have good communication,respect,understanding, support,honesty,open-minded and trust.I love to do to cater my woman's desires,needs,and pleasure her.I am sexy one inside and out.I am quiet but as get along me especially when we feel both comfortable with each other.I'm sure you decide not to leave.I want one woman to love and live with for the rest of my life.I love and spend my time sensible like travels and going to beaches. It's a great time for family where we enjoy having fun! I am a loyal and very family oriented.I dream finding real love and joy and I think my wishes will come true and it's going to starts in here..


                This is a SCAM! DO NOT RESPOND!


                                 Howard Bay


MG Money transfer to:

Name: Howard Bay


City:   London
Country:  United Kingdom
Zipcode:  WC2A2AE (FAKE!)

Amount: 400 GBP

                              Stolen Photo used by SCAMMER!

Message N 1:

Date:  XX Mar 2013
Subject: How Are You Most Wonderful

Hello XXXXX,

I'll say a few things about myself that are just not something I might normally say or you wouldn't normally ask. I'm a cheese freak, yes  I love cheese. I like anime, not cartoons from japan, but prefer comedy. I don't care for cars or material things much, they get me from point A to B and back again. I like the simple things in life,I like to sit and talk, walk in the rain. Snuggle (I will like to have someone that I will do that with ). I like to watch movies, not just any movies but movies that don't have the same old shit from everyday, like stuff exploding, demons, magic, scientific stuff. I was going to ask you at one point if my notes wouldn't scare you nor my question scare you away from me...Lol. Not that I'm worried I was just curious, although I like to ask questions: Lets see... I have a bad habits I am shy person and I've tried to stop and I'm sure I could do it with support. I'd like to cook a nice meal one day for a romantic dinner.

On that note I have many nice ideas that I've built up over the years about what I could and I'd love to have a chance to try them. That's romance, not sex, eheheh. I don't have any fetish that I know of, nothing with feet or hair, or whatever thing you can think of. I'm gentle but can be rough if that's what is requested.....LOL.... I'm just throwing things out if anything catches you then surely let me know. I'm a giving person. I won't be happy if you pick out cloths for laundry...I think I should be the one to do so for my woman while she do the washing, I know some woman do. As long as you don't over do it like maybe when I am sick or something. Lets see what else is there. Oh, hair. I don't mind if you don't do your hair or shave. Hell I'll help you shave and do you hair because I have idea in hair styling if you'll allow me to do them if you want, I don't mind. I'd like to take a bath with a woman at least every night. (I'd say you bet that might sound a little stalking eh eh..Lol).

I'll cut your nails while you watch movies on a Sunday morning when we have nothing to do but stay home. Massage both ways of course, cant let you do everything. You can do my nails if you want. Yes. On the subject of sex, just us, no sharing during our relationship with anyoneI'. In other words no three-some or etc. I would never want to share you with anyone like that nor watch you with another man. If you like that well, that's another conversation but I don't want it. What else now!.

 I believe we both know that Love is not a destination but a journey and this is a journey that takes two to walk. I mean two souls who understand ahead that they aren't in for a kid walk, and what they have ahead is the most important mission in life. A place meant for true people,It is a place called joy and happiness. I would also be stupid to hold back being the man for a woman like you. Really I just see in your face that I can live with this woman, not  the beauty part alone, but the depth of your soul.

As I could remember,while I was a kid..... I was a very cute,lol.  I could affect one with my smile and am a type that don't judge,no matter how dirty you may be, just come clean to me and I will give your support. There is no Mr right until we make him right. A relationship is never about how much at the beginning but how much we could make it grow. My old friend and pastor would tell me, if you aren't ready to feel or look stupid, then don't fall in love ,lol But sincerely that is the bitter truth. After my divorce, he told me that something good ends  and doesn't mean something better cant start. Can you prove that right? I have come to realise that, let a man write a better book, let him preach a better sermon, let him sing the best of songs, let him gain wealth beyond dreams, he is reduced to nothing except he has a woman to call, my wife, my best friend and a partner.

My usual saying and I am known for it......Is that, Life is simple for those who take it simple. I don't like to complicate things,there is joy in every situation if you know the right angle to look it from. My mother who is old now would be the happiest woman on earth if I told her I found my other half...smiles... Now am sure she can't wait to have a proper family and I can't wait to have a happy home too. After my last project, I am quitting field works,any other job would only require my attention from my home office wherever I go. I want to spend the rest of my life having fun,Imagine one with so many houses,but has not got a woman to place in one to call his own wife,then he has no home. I have always loved to build a home. Would you stand by me to build a home together? Would you smile at me when I look tense? I don't need a super model, I rather need a very good friend who knows when I am tensed just by looking into my eyes or hearing my voice. The whole world may be mad at me, but if you are smiling at me, I would care less. I just want to know what you have on your mind for us......

Please tell me more.PLEASE.....I would be waiting to hear from you.Till then you would be on my mind..I say, who says we can't pick rags and turn to riches? Who says we can't design our own paradise together??? It is workable just walk by my side, please send me a picture of your beautiful self.


 Message N 2:

Date: Sun, XX Mar 2013
Subject: How Are You My Sunshine

Hello my sunshine.LOL! You must wonder why i call you sunshine,.Can't get the picture of you off my mind. i felt like giving a hug,lol. Just as the sun, lights up the earth, you light up my life. The only one i have met, with a heart so bright. Just seems like yesterday, you came around my way, you changed my whole scene right away, with your outstanding personalty. The only reason this was possible is because you must have potrayed yourself well and you have been Yourself. That is good, because if i ever fall in love with you for beauty, I wouldnt walk more than miles to see more beauty, If i love you for wealth, I wouldnt walk more miles to see more, If i love you for smiles, I would see more in tv,lol But the only thing i can fall in love with is you, that cant be gotten by anyone else because its being YOU! that is absolutely what no one can ever be. Like i said, it takes a life time to try knowing the reason why you feel the way you do with some people. the answers are never there,. trust me, the day relationships starts falling is the day people can figure out the exact reason they have loved eachother. Life is boring if perfect. Life is worse when there is nothing to change about anything.

The balance in life is based on the facts that, there must be thieves and criminals for the police to remain employed,. The medical practisioners would run out of business if we are all hale and hearty. The legal practisioners would die of boredom if there arent offenders. If everyone are vegetarians, Oh my! guess how many people would not earn a living. Christians bring out the best in christianity because of the presence of Islam. White gained from black, blacks earn from white. If everyone is rich, wealth would be meaningless. who would do the laundry? who would drive the car? who would guard who? who would keep whose money? lol. The essence for this short word is that, if you can read the meaning in this. you are my woman for sure. The moral of the speech is that,. We were all created for eachother. There is much fun in helping. We can all be better if we accept the fact that we cant live without eachother. The world would be a better place if we can start accepting things we cant change. Because , the only constant thing in life is, CHANGE! Sitting here thinking about you, brings out a part of me that loves everything,lol.

I have a proposal for you this wonderful day. Because i know you atleast care about me, after all you wake up to check on my mail and know if i am still alive,lol. that is something. So i want your help today. There is this woman whom i just met, and i could be scared about how she has gotten my attention, but i would be stupid to submit to fears. I noticed that she already has a place that can not be replaced in my heart. Who could ever think of hurting such a woman who only wants happiness? I want you to help me find her and tell her, i am not known for fears. I know a journey of a thousand years start with a single step. A man who wants to fly must atleast learn to stand on his feet! tell her if she is willing, i would love to take her hands. I am a man who gives nothing or everything. Once i have her hand, i can promise her forever. Tell her i know this is not going to be a kid walk, . tell her i know there are times we would argue in future. but tell her i would teach her to know that even while we argue we would still be holding hands. because there are many sides to a coin. Tell her life is short, but we can make paradise out of it. Tell her her worries have become mine, because i do not really know how she has done it. tell her, that coming across her was by chance, communicating with her was by choice, but then falling for her is beyond my control.

You know where to find her my dear, just go to your dressing mirror and you would find her staring back at you,lol. Pls look into her eyes and speak this to her for me.Till I read from You again honey,Kisses and hugs in their right places ...

All My Love

Yours Forever,

Message N 3:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: Honey


Honey, you have changed my life completely. You're the one who makes me beautiful. You're the one who makes me strong. You're the one who makes me feel so important; you're everything to me.

You show your love to me every day. I thank God that I have found a woman like you. Please forgive me for not giving you enough time to chat with me, but I promise I will make up for it once we are together.

All that I can offer you is a family. I can offer you a family that will stick together through the good and the bad. I can offer you a family that will support each other every day. Honey, that's all I can give...I hope that’s what you want.

I really wish that you were near me. I wish that I could just call your name when I needed you and that you would be there. However, knowing that you love me so much is enough for now, and if I can be your wife and a mother to your children(LOL!!!!!!!!!!!) then I would wait forever to be with you. Ti amo tesoro mio. You're the only one that I want.

Love Always,


Message N 4:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: Oh, My Love!


When I am with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Every day I wake up thanking God for you. You have given me so much, and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that you have given me. You have been my guiding light when I was lost. You have been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow. You have been my rock.

Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when you’re there, I feel safe. Your voice soothes me. I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel, but I can't find the words other than I am ecstatic we met and have gotten together after all we've gone through.

I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms. I want to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you are everything to me.

I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I will always be here for you when you need me, and I will love you no matter what life brings us. You are my soul mate, and I vow to love you all eternity. I love you, baby.



Message N 5:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: Oh, My Love!


When I am with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Every day I wake up thanking God for you. You have given me so much, and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that you have given me. You have been my guiding light when I was lost. You have been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow. You have been my rock.

Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when you’re there, I feel safe.  I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel, but I can't find the words other than I am ecstatic we met and have gotten together after all we've gone through.

Message N 6:

Date: XXApr 2013
Subject: Good morning my love

Darling, my darling. One line in haste to tell you that I love you more today than ever in my life before, that I never see beauty without thinking of you or scent happiness without thinking of you. You have fulfilled all my ambition, realized all my hopes, made all my dreams come true.

You have set a crown of roses on my youth and fortified me against the disaster of our days. Your courageous gaiety has inspired me with joy. Your tender faithfulness has been a rock of security and comfort. I have felt for you all kinds of love at once.

I have asked much of you and you have never failed me. You have intensified all colours, heightened all beauty, deepened all delight. I love you more than life, my beauty, my wonder.

 Message N 7:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: Love you more

Since you came into my life, I've been so happy. The fact that we're a thousand miles apart is not a matter at all because you are always in my heart. You told me that I'm the right one. I cannot tell you how good that made me feel. I am waiting for the days to make our dreams come true. I'll wait for you for a lifetime if you want me to. Do you know why? Because you are the only one who sees me while I am invisible to others. I hope you never quit seeing how much my love for you is true.

Love Always,

 Message N 8:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: You Fill My Heart


In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning.

I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything. You are everything to me.

You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....

Love always,

Your Angel

Message N 9:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: without you

One week without you is like one moment without air, like one day without food and a week without water.

One week without you is like a month without sunshine or shelter.

One week without your voice is like a year absent the sound of music, or of birds, or of rain and thunder.

One week without your comfort is a week without sleep, for my heart knows no rest, and my nights give no peace.

One week without your love, and my days are empty of beauty; though I see about me everywhere others whom are called beautiful, none of them compare with your visage as I gaze at your photo.

One week without speaking with you is like years alone in the wilderness or a deserted island; though I may talk with people on the streets, my soul has no communion.

One week without you is like a year in a prison; though I may come and go as I please, my soul knows no freedom.

One week without you in my life is like no life at all!

I love you forever..

Message N 10

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: Missing You

My days and especially my nights are so empty without you! I look forward to waking up to the softness of your skin against mine, your hair gently brushing my cheek. I can feel you breathing as if you were a part of my own body. Looking at you as you dream, gently "waking" you to the soft caresses of my hands and your body yielding to me.
Today I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, as my love for you grows with every passing hour. I love you more than "Love."

Message N 11:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: You Are My Sunshine

My Dearest, life can be cruel but when it all comes together there is no moment as sweet. That is how I feel about you entering my life. You have rekindled the flame called love in me. You have given one more reason to look forward to tomorrow. Now, you are a significant part of my life and I look forward to the day when we can make it permanent. I love you so much. I love you for your kindness, for your caring and giving nature, for your beauty - both inner and outer, and most of all I love you because you are you. The fact that you show me who you really are and not what you think I may want. Sweetie, let this letter be a testament to my true feelings for you. The whole world can see and know how I feel for you. I love you,I love you more

 Message N 12:

Date: XX Apr 2013
Subject: i love you more

Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I'm walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete. I know you've said we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship might think that we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and for you and D. I would do anything, I love you both so much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great person, outstanding father and loving husband. I LOVE YOU!! I love you more.

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YM Chat:

Howard Bay: It was fine my love.. But a bit hard for now my love due to some reason....
Howard Bay: I just need some funds to finish my work my love
Howard Bay: Yes i know my love thanks so much for your caring i love you
Howard Bay: I just need 400 pounds to finish my work... So i can come to you my love...
Howard Bay: This is a problem my love
Howard Bay: Wow really my love.. I will be very glad if you will borrow me the money my love....
Howard Bay: Because i dont have where to borrow the money from my love...
Howard Bay: But if you can borrow me i promise i will return it when i get to you my love
Howard Bay: If possible by tomorrow my love
Howard Bay: You can use money gram to send it to me...
Howard Bay: Do you know any money gram close to you?
Howard Bay: Ok you can send it to me from money gram and i can be able to recieve it here my love
Howard Bay: Ok let me give you the details my love
brigitte_pangritz: ok
Howard Bay: Name : Howard Bay... City : London.. Zip code : WC2A 2AE : Country ...United kingdom..
Howard Bay: That is the details my love... You will have to give me 8 digit numbers to claim the money here

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